Bain's Deli At Liberty Place, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Restaurant Details

Reserve a table - Bain's Deli At Liberty Place - Inactive
Restaurant: Bain's Deli At Liberty Place

Address: 1625 Chestnut St, Philadelphia (Philadelphia), Pennsylvania (PA), 19102

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Phone: (215) 972-1711

Rating: Rating
1.0 based on 1 rating
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Food: Food
03/29/2016 4:38 pm

You are known for your sandwiches. I got the #3 corn beef special. The tall Caucasian man with black hair up in a net. He weighed my corn beef then with back to the register, the gentleman kept 2 pieces of the meat of my sandwich for himself. He put one piece in his mouth and then went into the back with the second piece. Gross!! My sandwich was so thin and his fingers touched his mouth and then my sandwich. This will all be on your camera, so he will not deined this.

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