Baker Street Bread Co, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Restaurant Details

Reserve a table - Baker Street Bread Co - Inactive
Restaurant: Baker Street Bread Co

Address: 8001 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia (Philadelphia), Pennsylvania (PA), 19118

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Phone: (215) 248-3296


Rating: Rating
4.2 based on 5 ratings
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Food: Food
03/11/2016 4:15 pm

Bread is good. chocolate cookies are addictive. wish the coffee was better here

Food: Food
11/19/2015 2:01 am

A really nice place with a great selection of hand made fair. However, the last time I was there I purchased $4 worth of bread and as I was paying the clerk picked up her tip cup and shook it in my face..........bizarre......

If it wasn't for the near mugging at checkout I would have rated 4 stars.

Food: Food
11/10/2015 11:08 pm

Great bread, and oatmeal cookies!

Food: Food
01/23/2015 7:18 pm

omg that's all i gotta say

Food: Food
03/10/2010 6:07 am

selection might be slim on some days but great neighborhood bakery.

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