Capri Pizza, Denver, Colorado Restaurant Details

Reserve a table - Capri Pizza - Inactive
Restaurant: Capri Pizza

Address: 2431 E 88th Ave, Denver (Adams), Colorado (CO), 80229

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Phone: (303) 853-9999

Rating: Rating
3.7 based on 3 ratings
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Food: Food
04/30/2015 6:12 pm

I go to school next to this place. Every time i enter the store my mouth sizzles. But it takes too long. Once i was waiting for my whole lunch period.

Food: Food
11/07/2013 4:35 pm

Food was very good the four or five times we ordered. Staff was friendly but too many young punks hanging outside causing problems. We won't be back until this problem is addressed.

Food: Food
07/13/2013 11:45 pm

I really loved the pizza but I was a little distressed when I got a call after I had ordered asking me to repeat my address. Their driver had heard it wrong or something. Yet, when he finally pulled up after waving him down, he blamed me and said I had said the wrong address. I said that I had said the correct address but he kept arguing. I thought that was very poor customer service. I work in this industry and I would never speak to a customer that way unless I wanted to be fired. Other than that they had great prices and delicious pizza. I will probably never order again, though, simply because of the service as well as my partly hurt pride.

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