Crabby's Bar & Grill, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Barbecue Restaurant Details

Reserve a table - Crabby's Bar & Grill - Inactive
Restaurant: Crabby's Bar & Grill

Address: 2113 E Oklahoma Ave, Milwaukee (Milwaukee), Wisconsin (WI), 53207

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Phone: (414) 769-9999

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2.8 based on 5 ratings
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Food: Food
05/13/2016 11:11 pm

OK, I get the appeal of an old style supper club. I'll admit, I really wanted to like this place. I just... didn't. I ordered the pork loin and my girlfriend ordered shrimp. Food came out fairly quickly, but we were the only people in the place. Her shrimp came a little overcooked (read: chewy). I cut into my pork medallions and they were completely raw except around the very edges. The server (who was very nice) took them back to get re-fired. They came back way too quick not to be microwaved, and the first bite backed up my suspicion. Perhaps their pizza and pasta are a better experience, but mine was bad enough to keep me from coming back.

Food: Food
01/18/2016 3:05 am

Amazing food love this small business

Food: Food
01/23/2014 12:52 am

This place is awful. And everyone who grew up around this establishment knows they don't stay in business by selling pizza.

Food: Food
08/23/2013 10:56 pm

Crabby's has the Milwaukee supper club atmosphere down to a science, like out of an old Collier's magazine Blatz ad.
Everything they make is fresh except for french fries. Steaks cut to order. Milwaukee-style cracker-crust pizza brimming with homemade sausage. Supper-club era menu with lots of shrimp dishes.
Yes, the owner of Crabby's and the owner of Roman's are having a contest to see who can be the surliest bar owner on the KK, but it's classic barman surliness you can't see anymore. And he's honest about it, it's called Crabby's.
You know what? Don't go to Crabby's. I'll go to Crabby's for adult food and vodka martinis and you go to some chain restaurant for fake chipper people around you.

Food: Food
08/21/2011 4:34 pm

There is something really fishy about this joint. Its always empty, the service sucks and there is hardly any customers, and I don't see how this place stays in business unless they are selling some other than crab.

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