Locker Room Sports Bar & Grill, Madison, Wisconsin Restaurant Details

Reserve a table - Locker Room Sports Bar & Grill - Inactive
Restaurant: Locker Room Sports Bar & Grill

Address: 1810 Roth St, Madison (Dane), Wisconsin (WI), 53704

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Phone: (608) 246-2010

Rating: Rating
3.0 based on 5 ratings
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Food: Food
05/03/2016 10:44 pm

Couple good bartenders - prices WAY 2 high 4 neighborhood, especially with Oscar Mayer closing across the street - sad -they will follow-to bad they losing all there customers - reality ck

Food: Food
12/08/2014 10:23 am

I'm sure I always have a lot of fun!!

Food: Food
06/15/2013 10:10 pm

It's a redneckish style bar. The drinks were good, but you have to pay in cash. It's not really my scene.

Food: Food
08/01/2012 12:52 am

I love this place ! Its laid back and comfortable. They have a great paitio with horseshoes and sand volleyball courts. The bartenders are funny and always have a great time.

Food: Food
01/18/2012 9:50 pm

When we walked in it was one of those record scratching to a halt moments. No tabs and no credit cards accepted. We wont be back...ever.

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