Mad Towne Fried Chicken, Madison, Wisconsin Restaurant Details

Reserve a table - Mad Towne Fried Chicken - Inactive
Restaurant: Mad Towne Fried Chicken

Address: 1901 S Park St, Madison (Dane), Wisconsin (WI), 53713

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Phone: (608) 441-8400

Rating: Rating
2.5 based on 2 ratings
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Food: Food
11/04/2011 9:56 pm

This is a great neighborhood spot. Much better than JJ's. If you are looking for a nice sit down resturant then go near the Capitol. If you've ever lived in or been to a big city and love hole-in-the-walls then this is your place. Great fried chicken and fried fish. Friendly people and only seems dangerous to folks who never leave the Peninsula. Go and support a local business and clog your arteries on things besides cheese curds!

Food: Food
03/26/2008 7:17 pm

Ambiance: This hole-in-the-wall place is on South Park St, so it's not in the best of neighborhoods to begin with, but the inside is even worse than I could have predicted. On top of selling fried foods, they also haphazardly sell random tshirts and bling, which is mildly disconcerting to say the least. You order food at a small counter, stand around waiting, and then grab your grubby fried chicken and eat elsewhere.
Service: Slow, definitely not polite, even though all that was required was taking my order and giving me my food at the counter!
Food: The fried chicken that we got was terrible. There was little to no meat on any of the pieces of chicken and it was also very dry. The only tiny redeeming facet of this trip was that the fries were actually pretty good, but it's probably because they fry them in the worst type of oil. Ah well...

Summary: Eat here at your own risk!

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