Red Brick Pizza, Mesa, Arizona Restaurant Details

Reserve a table - Red Brick Pizza - Inactive
Restaurant: Red Brick Pizza

Address: Mesa Riverview, Mesa (Maricopa), Arizona (AZ), 85201

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Phone: (480) 962-5656

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3.0 based on 2 ratings
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Food: Food
06/26/2009 7:20 pm

Great pizza, salads and Gelato all in one place. The ingredients are fresh, the service is friendly, and the pizza is always cooked just right in the terra cotta stone brick oven.

Food: Food
12/26/2008 11:37 pm

I'm eating one of their 'pizza biancas' right now and its extremely bland. Also, the 'sausage' is that pizza hut 'more mystery than meat' kibble looking stuff. A little on the cheapy side for an $18 14 inch pizza!

Add some garlic and for god's sake use some REAL sauage and I might come back, because the crust was actually really good.

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