Subway, Boston, Massachusetts Restaurant Details

Reserve a table - Subway - Inactive
Restaurant: Subway

Address: 393 Massachusetts Ave, Boston (Suffolk), Massachusetts (MA), 02115

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Phone: (617) 437-7180


Rating: Rating
4.0 based on 4 ratings
Food: Food
08/20/2015 7:23 pm

I went in and saw the actual owner of the franchise working the cash register because one of his guys called in sick. That's the sort of dedication that makes a great restaurant, big or small.

Food: Food
12/24/2012 1:50 am

Excellent food.. Always they make me a big enough sub. Best value for price.

Food: Food
05/13/2012 3:48 am

I think the bulletproof glass must improve the taste of the subs. Maybe it's the proximity to the T? Whatever it is, 5 stars.

Food: Food
08/19/2011 3:40 pm

Upset stomach after eating, food not fresh

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