Texas Bar & Grill, Detroit, Michigan Restaurant Details

Reserve a table - Texas Bar & Grill - Inactive
Restaurant: Texas Bar & Grill

Address: 14619 Kercheval St, Detroit (Wayne), Michigan (MI), 48215

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Phone: (313) 824-5190

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2.7 based on 3 ratings
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Food: Food
07/24/2015 11:31 pm

You want to see some shit?

Food: Food
01/06/2015 4:15 pm

I only go there to shoot pool in two separate pool leagues I play in. It's ok. They usually serve food for the games. Two pool tables in there so you never have to wait long for a game. One thing you should know before visiting is they allow smoking in there and sometimes the smoke is VERY heavy. I've seen it come rushing out the front door every time it was opened one night.

Food: Food
02/04/2014 11:55 pm

I've been staying on my street for 7 years and it's at the corner of my block. I went in there 1 time for my cousin's birthday and the people in there was rude. we did not like the vibe we got from the people in there so we left. I love to have a drink every now and then and I hated that it's a bar at the corner of my block that I don't feel comfortable going to.

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