Three Boys From Italy, Bronx, New York, Pizza Restaurant Details

Reserve a table - Three Boys From Italy - Inactive
Restaurant: Three Boys From Italy

Address: 704 Burke Avenue, Bronx (East Bronx), New York (NY), 10467

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Phone: (718) 882-2009

Rating: Rating
4.2 based on 5 ratings
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Food: Food
02/15/2015 8:30 pm

I thought the pizza here was just okay, although above average for a giant slice place. First off, this place rubs me the wrong way because they have too many rules. There's no bathroom, you pay for ice, 2 ways are prohibited...I mean I know these things can be issues in the Bronx, but you don't need to put up so many signs about them. The place is one big open space, with like 3 4-person tables and everything else behind a counter. The staff was friendly enough, and the tile work around the walls was nice looking for the Bronx, but of course all this means nothing. What does mean something is the pizza. I thought the crust, cheese, and sauce here were all thoroughly mediocre. The sauce didn't stand out and there wasn't that much to begin with; the cheese was okay quality but there was too much of it. The crust was a typical giant slice crust: doughy and completely unremarkable. As a whole, it wasn't terrible for some reason but nothing remarkable what so ever. Just because the slices are huge doesn't make it great pizza. This is pretty good for the area all things considered, but I'm not sure why this place has as good a rep as it does. I'd skip this one unless you're in the immediate area looking for a cheap meal.

Food: Food
01/04/2015 1:27 pm

Love it been going there for 22 years now

Food: Food
07/31/2014 7:16 pm

Best pizza in the bronx. Service is always great. Ppl complain about it being overpriced but go to Manhattan and that's what you call over priced. Plus the slices are huge. I love the pizza here!

Food: Food
03/30/2014 12:27 pm

I live in California now. But whenever I come to NY I make my way to the Bronx to get pizza in my old neighbor. No nostalgia here...just the best pizza I have ever had! Ever! Three Boys From Italy...the best!

Food: Food
08/04/2013 10:18 am

This place is a staple in the North Bronx area; especially to the people who live on or around Burke ave. They serve typical pizza store food from slices to beef patties with loads of mozzarella cheese. They also sell Restuarant style food such as pasta (which they have many options for the style pasta you might like). I go here in a pinch, kinda last minute eats because they have raised their prices recently and to be honest the pizza quality differs on many different trips there. Service is decent. No credit cards which still bothers me about this place.
PS. This is a strictly to-go place because they are only about 3 booths to sit at.

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